Pros and Cons of Downsizing Homes

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Taking his years of experience in sales and marketing to the world of business and estate transitions, Allen Fitzsimmons founded Transitioning Forward in 2013. As its CEO, Allen Fitzsimmons helps clients off-load items before moving, selling an estate, or downsizing.

Downsizing a home is a great way to make sure you still have time and money after you complete a major life transition, such as retiring or emptying the nest. Downsizing can free up money with a smaller mortgage or rent payment and can also free up time. A larger home, after all, takes more time to take care of and maintain than a smaller one. It can be difficult for some people to step back from a large house, however, due to the role of the house as a status symbol.

However, downsizing can also come with additional costs beyond the price of a new home. Furnishings that are too large, or simply amassed goods in general, need to be sold, thrown out, or replaced as part of the transition. Those considering downsizing can contact a transition expert for assistance in weighing the pros and cons before making a decision.